Travel Peru and savour the delicious seafood dishes and explore majestic cities when you embark on this tour of a lifetime. Thinking of booking your flight but still need convincing? Take a look at our personal account of traveling the historical land of Peru.
Our journey has brought us to the beautiful Peru. Peru can be described in one word: mystical. Ask anyone who visits; there is an energy that emulates out of the ground and walls. In fact, stories float around about people who have experience some eerie things. The battery of phones, cameras and laptops of everyone in our group would drain suddenly in certain areas. It is said that this is a result of a lot of magnetic activity under the ground in Peru. This 8-day tour of Peru is an excellent adventure that will have you experiencing new dishes, enjoying views like no other, and exploring ancient civilizations.
Top 3 Things to Do in Peru:
- Visit the Nazca Lines. Remember when I said this land is eerie? Well, here is a great example. These are lines in the earth that create unusual shapes and creatures. These lines have an interesting history and are said to be created by the Incas, however many legends exist about their origin. As of today, they remain intact.
- Explore Cuzco, Peru. Take some time to get to know the city of Cuzco. Be sure to shop the markets and bring home authentic, handmade alpaca scarfs. Added bonus? At night, the local kids gather to play volleyball. Join a game but beware, they are really good!
- Visit the Chinchero District. Known as the Sacred Valley of the Incas, this place gives you a sense of calm and serenity. It is as surreal as Machu Picchu (which is another must!) It is not crowded with tourist and it features a breathtaking view of enormous mountains. All things come together to make this a truly inspiring day trip.
3 Things You Must Eat in Peru:
- Ceviche. This is a classic dish in many South American cultures but it is well known that Peru makes it the best. (I'm Colombian so don't tell anyone I said that!) It is a shrimp & fish cocktail made with lime and spices. It's a personal fav!
- Arroz Con Mariscos. More seafood! Rice and shrimp cooked to perfection.
- Pisco Sour. Pair this with every meal, but don't ask what's in it. Just know it's delicious. During this 8-day tour you’ll have the opportunity to visit the town of Pisco, tour a pisco factory, and sample the unique flavour of the famous Pisco sour.